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net.demon 3.0

net.demon 3.0

net.demon Publisher's Description

This suite of Internet tools stands out from the rest. The workshop-style interface lets you open multiple tools at once and easily transfer data between them, edit and save the results in a text file. It contains over 35 utilities such as IP Resolver, DNS Lookup, Traceroute, Ping, Time Sync, Whois, RWhois, Finger, Quote, URL Decoder, HTTP Web Reader, Advanced HTTP, Terminal, Port Listener, Port Proxy, IDENTD Server, IDENTD Query, Server Scan, Address Scan, Port Scan, NetBios Names, E-Mail Verify, E-Mail Header Analysis, Blacklist Lookup, SMTP Relay Check, ORBS Submission, SMTP Listener, System Info, NetBIOS Info, DHCP Info, Protocols, Port Services, Connections, Statistics, Keepalive, no-frills Text Editor, ROT13 Decoder, and an HTML Help file.

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